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No New Posts Chat.x

You can talk, blabber and chit-chat with your pals here on this board. So sit back, rest your feet and come and chat with the members about anything. Don't be shy! Remember that all site rules apply here and you should follow them.

Moderator: Spark

Sub-boards: Game Room, Polls

18 259 OH EM GEE ADVERTISING SPREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by xx
Jul 16, 2012 0:24:06 GMT -6
No New Posts Your Say.x

Here at Warrior Cats, it's all about what you have to say about the site. Our members shape our site! Please drop any comments, questions or concerns here. The staff will look at them, so please post any issues that you have whatsoever. We'll make sure to respond and fix the situation that you may be stuck with.

5 24 Status
by x Foxtail x
Mar 11, 2009 13:44:15 GMT -6
No New Posts Saying Goodbye.X

Going on a vacation? Need a break? Or sadly...leaving this site? Okay, well make sure to tell us here! That way we know if you're not inactive, just on vacation! Thanks!

Moderator: Spark

1 1 Grounded!
by starheart
Mar 7, 2009 15:49:05 GMT -6
No New Posts The Documents.x

Here is where we store the rules and site information. A Q+A is also here for your assistance. If you need help or anything, come here first before you go to the 'Your Say' board. Please make sure to read the rules here- you are obliged to follow them once you join here on Warrior Cats.

4 7 .:X:. Try-out importances .:X:.
by starheart
Mar 1, 2009 8:59:02 GMT -6
No New Posts Advertising.x

This is the only place that you can advertise, so do it here please. Know that only members and not guests can advertise here. Affiliates are in a sub-board, so please come here to do that as well!

Sub-board: Affiliates.x

6 8 Ashes of the Past
by ṿεṉøṃ
Jul 7, 2009 13:43:57 GMT -6
No New Posts Staff Center.x

This is where the admins and moderators talk amongst themselves about site happenings and whatnot.. No- not World Domination as you may think.

Sub-board: Clan Updates

4 20
No New Posts The Cats.x

Did you catch the roleplay bug? Or the Warrior Cats bug? Join the club! [It's contagious!] If you're ready to start your roleplaying and you've read the rules, come here and create your characters so that you can begin roleplaying. We await your first roleplay post!

Please; do not wait to be accepted.

Sub-boards: Archives.x, Accepted.x, Pending.x, Dramatics.x

37 39 Oakstripe ;; IceClan
by ṿεṉøṃ
May 1, 2009 16:01:28 GMT -6


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Shady Ravine

Hidden in the thick pine forests and guarded by thick bramble and thorn bushes is a sudden ravine that would bring any unwary cat to a steep fall. This is where the DarkClan cats make their camp. The uneven and high walls, topped with sharp foliage, created a well-hidden camp. A few felled pines lay across the sky, creating a rather dark atmoshere below -- hence the name of the shadowy Clan. The mists that cover the surrounding forests roll over the underlying ravine, giving the long cavity a sort of camoflague against anothing above. However, this also means that the camp is hard to spot from the forest floor above, and it's dangerous for any cat to wander near the drop without growing of the perilous edge. A large, stumped hollow tree alongside numerous rocky indents in the earthen walls provide for dens, and the ground is carpeted with fallen needles and abundances of soft moss.

The cats who live here are believed to come directly from the fabled ShadowClan; proud, ambitous, and fierce. They are silent and deady stalkers, and every apprentice is taught never to trust any other Clan. Not every cat here is so cold, of course. But any cat who dares not follow that norm aren't usually popular or welcomed anywhere.

Led by;; Shrewstar
Deputy;; Tryouts going on now!

Significant Leaders;;

Moderators: Spark, Mist ‹3

Sub-board: The Dens

9 23 Warriors' Den
by sunspirit
Apr 15, 2009 14:24:57 GMT -6
No New Posts Rocky Overhang

Farther down the ravine from the camp is a huge boulder, embedded deep into the forest wall and looming far across the deepset gap. Something about the mottled gray stone seems to sparkle in the uneven light that shines through the tall pine trees, giving off a rather majestic look to it. In fact, just past this location is the rushing rapids of a river, that tumbles down the ravine from the IceClan territories and speeds farther down the landscape. The top is oddly flat, and it is here where the leader or deputy will make announcements to DarkClan.

Moderators: Spark, Mist ‹3

1 14 [moonhigh] ›› Ceremonies! {POST!}
by sunspirit
Apr 15, 2009 14:36:29 GMT -6
No New Posts Cascading Rapids

Just past the Rocky Overhang is a the path of a swirling river, tumbling into the ravine from the bordering IceClan terratories and rushing farther down the forest. and away. The murky waters are mixed with dried leaves and pine needles, and the scarce number of fish that manage to make it so far along the waterway are easy to catch for the few cats who can stand the freezing depths. But the stream is dangerous and assuredly fatal to any who dare fall in, sending them spinning and bobbing down the hazardous rapids in an instant. During heavy rains or after the melting of heavy snows the river is prone to flooding, a dangerous possibility to the cats who live just a little farther up the slope.

Moderators: Spark, Mist ‹3

1 5 Move Down To Me
by . i c e p a w
Mar 1, 2009 13:02:05 GMT -6
No New Posts Misty Forests

Spread across the DarkClan territory are ancient forests, tall lush undergrowth and coniferous trees that seem to spread their arms to the sky. The huge pines create a duskier atmosphere below, and this very thing brings a marvelous effect to the expanse. Rolling mists blanket the wood, dainty and everlasting. Even the oldest cats cannot remember a moon when the fog was not present, and cats are taught to see through the haze; a huge advantage to them in the event of an enemy attack. But on sunny days the thin rays of light that shine past the thick canopies overhead cast beautiful speckles of shimmering rainbows upon the mists, making the forest floor seem aglow with awe-inspiring aurora borealises. Because of this, the Misty Forests are a popular place for cats to confess their love and hold secret meetings.

Prey runs plenty here, with fresh-kill ranging from mice to thrushes to sparrows. This is the choice place to hunt, and mentors train with their apprentices at the few small clearings and groves that dot the woodland.

Moderators: Spark, Mist ‹3

2 10 Any one post
by sunspirit
Apr 15, 2009 14:59:41 GMT -6


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Frigid Cove

In the glacier temperatures of this tundra-like environment, there are not many resources to create dens with. However, that is irrevelent for these felines - with endurance, they have discovered a large cave of ice. The blizzards cannot reach them within this location, and it also blocks the northern biting winds. Surrounding this society is a seemingly everlasting sheet of ice, frozen for countless seasons. The firmanent stretched over the camp is a pale grey, unchanging.

The cats here are stubborn and short-tempered, but also often kind. They are headstrong, and quick to decipher stragedies. Intelligence is evident, and selfishness is needed for their survival.

Led by;; Crowstar

Significant Leaders;;

Sub-board: Dens

6 19 Apprentices' Den
by sunspirit
Apr 15, 2009 14:13:38 GMT -6
No New Posts Riverside Boulder

The freezing conditions here and frozen land make it much more difficult for prey to live, as well as their predators. Yet, within the river that runs through the terra is capable of housing for fish, in which is contained in the black depths. The murky waters are dangerous, and can be quite intimidating for anyone who are not used to such hazards. The alledged ground could crack and split at any minute, causing the disturber to crash into the liquid. Due to this, many are uneasy to hunch over the waters to hunt. There is only a boulder of a beige, tanned color for support if one should fall in. Salmon and many other types are native to this area.

1 9 reminiscing. ‹3
by Mist ‹3
Feb 24, 2009 15:55:54 GMT -6
No New Posts Sturdy Slope

As far as the eye can see from the base of the camp, their territory lasts. But, not too far away, there is a hill completely covered in these barbaric dashes of snow and ice. These mottled basins are vast in population. Beneath the exterior is jam-packed surfaces of the material, yet in the center of the massive one there is a hollow area. This was dug into, creating an ajar hole at the top. This was opened wider each time an individual made their way here for the water not too far down. This is the only place that the clan can hydrate themselves, due to the prey-catching area's danger.

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No New Posts Stunted Sapling

Away from the isolated IceClan camp, there is a blank tundra. It, of all, sees the worst of the storms. There are reasons why no trees sprout in these conditions, yet there is one seemingly young sapling in the center of the winter wonderland. It cranes to the left, as if the zephyrs had blown it there. The gales are, indeed, harsh; and upon the branches are studded twigs, bare of leaves. The trunk is just thick enough to be able to carry a feline's weight, if not for a short moment. Upon it Crowstar stands alone to call announcements, and deposit ceremonies for the members of his society.

1 3 DEPUTY . . . ! ? [the choosing/tryouts]
by »|Forsythia;;
Mar 3, 2009 20:09:29 GMT -6


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No New Posts Giant Tree Roots

The lovely strong forest surrounds the whole area. Brambles and bracken weaved around the biggest tree's roots. They all spread out wide and old, still alive and strong. This massive tree is a home for Tree clan and surrounded by tons of thorns and fake passage ways for all trespassers. Nothing can describe how large this tree is, nothing could ever destroy it, for nothing has for so many years.

No winds can get through, and not any flood has been able to get pass those roots and soil. The tree protects the clan well, and the clan well respects this great old tree.The strong and smart Treeclan live out their hard work here and proudly stand their ground.

Led by;; Icestar

Significant Leaders;;

Moderators: Spark, starheart

7 28
No New Posts Full Trees

Rich and great soil full of lush plants, the sun streams down from the leave canopies. So much undergrowth and hidden zones, empty logs and rock. Every little piece reveals another place where prey shall hide. Full of trees and prey and richest lands, it is always a great area for training. During the leaf-bare there's always hope here, for they don't have burrows but bushels, roots, rocks and more!

Moderators: Spark, starheart

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Triclking Stream

A beautiful creek weaves softly through the forest, giving it the power and strength needed. The water trickles far on from the source, long and great. It's gotten shallow but never empty, and moss grows great at the small pool at the bottom and soft pebbles fill the creek. Small stepping stones line the thick creek, as deep as a cat and wide as a 2 foxes. It's the prefect water source right in the middle through the territory, curling it's way around.

Moderators: Spark, starheart

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sunlit Clearing

No matter what season, what weather, always during the day, does the sun seep here. Barely any branches make a canopy from rain, but always make way for the great sunlight. The softest grass area is here, nicely being flowers grow to under the rich soil and lovely sun. Even the bad news feels warm on their pelts and they can keep more relaxed. The good news is even better too! An old fallen tree stump is flat and small and covered in moss, grass and flowers. Their the leader stands barely taller to announce all.

The clan shall always gather here for the big news, all importance is held amongst this land!

Moderators: Spark, starheart

1 2


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No New Posts Hidden Ferns

In the leafy forest you are wandering in now, you'll notice the silence, the sneakiness of the cats within. Born in this forest, these cats have learned how to be silent, to help them survive. a low dip slows you down, and there is lots of ferns, the outskirts surrouded by vines and brambles.
This is where Hollyclan, brave and loyal, spend their everydays lives, in their camp. Kits run around, chasing leaves and insect, apprentices trainn with each other, and warriors chat, when they aren't out on patrol or hunting. This is efinality a peaceful clan,just don't disturb it, or you'll find out how fierce these cats can be.

Led by;; Cliffstar
Deputy;; Ecstasydream

Significant Leaders;;

8 13 through the ferns;;
by Spark
Feb 24, 2009 17:18:23 GMT -6
No New Posts Mossy Cliff

The trees start thinning out, and the breeze whips through your fur. Underneath your paws is a soft moss, and if you've been here before, you'll know you need to watch your step. Some unfortunate cats fall to their death here, some don't, but this place put's any cats life in peril.
This is the Mossy Cliff, a vast prey scare iece of territory in Hollyclan's land. If you look over the edge, there's tons of boulders and sharp rocks, falling would most likely kill you. Cliffstar got her name when she was a kit after falling from these rocks, so now all kits and apprentices stay clear of the cliff.

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No New Posts Holly Tree

This is the most important piece of territory in all of Hollyclan's land, the place where the leader makes announcements. The branches are huge and spacious, so it is easy to get up. When the clan isn't gathering here, cats hunt, and mentors train apprentices here. This is definality the life of Hollyclan, and hopefully will be for many more moons.

1 4 Deputy Tryouts
by TiGER
Feb 28, 2009 9:50:07 GMT -6
No New Posts Silent Creek

A little ways down from Hollyclan's camp, the trees get thick, the ground covered in leaves and branches. The shadows bring darkness here, and silence along with it, making it a good place to catch a piece of prey or two, or just to sit and think. After following a little trail, it turns into a beautiful creek, some light coming through the trees and making it sparkle. No fish is caught here, but it's a great place for all the cla, peace, prey, and the love of their territory.

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Other Lands

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No New Posts Oak Ledge

A giant tree had fallen by the worst lightning storm ever. It's cracked and black tall stump isn't too tall, but tall enough for every leader to look down at the giant dirt clearing where all cats gather.

Moderator: Spark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Black Cave

A long spiraling cave that leads far underground. They never flood, and the Medicine Cats and their apprentices come down to the heart, or center. There the pool with crystals in the deep bed, reflect the little cave hole at the ceiling. It's trickling waters bring fresh icey water to this pool, and the crystals dance with ancestor spirits, awaiting to meet the cats.

Moderator: Spark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Sweet Honey Woods

The sweet honey attracts prey and cats! Some people run from their fears here, yet end up with love healing them sweetly. So enter the woods, you may not leave alone!

Moderator: Spark

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No New Posts Blind Fields

The twelve foot plants grow higher than anything, but here creeps the loners, exiled and left overs. The clearings made by territorial cats is where bands have been born.

Moderator: Spark

1 1


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